On 31 January 2010, the Communist Youth Federation of Pordenone have played their conference during which they renewed the managerial bodies, decided to adopt the policy and appointed a delegate to the national conference to be held in Rome 19 to 21 February 2010.
The Young Communist League of Pordenone, have therefore appointed a coordination of three people (Marta Bottos, Julie Vianello, Renzo Shtylla) and two coordinators (Dorothy Martin and Gianluca Giannetto, who will go to Rome).
Important is the age of the members of governing bodies, with three children under the age of 20 years, two of which are still minors, and this is important because it shows that the Young Communists of Pordenone, not an organization of "nostalgia", but a group of young people who live the city and province and indicates the contradictions and limitations, and works to change the state of things.
Renewal youth organization will continue to assert, even in the coming years, and especially confirm the work of recent months and the Young Communist League to become a central organization in Pordenone.
The policy out of the conference revolves around several key points:
• School: To reaffirm the centrality of students in school life and public life, claim the right to study, complete rejection of the (Counter) Reformation Gelmini, defeat the apathy that hangs down 'internal institutions of the province of Pordenone supporting the individual and collective forms of protest, trying to encourage accurate information against the abuses and contradictions of school managers and others, always promoting the idea of \u200b\u200ba secular school and public all against the pollution of strong regional and national powers.
All trying to unite the struggles and protests of school workers and parents, and not only youth, this also means the Communist Party of the PRC and the Circle of the School and the University of the future foundation.
• Antifascism and Anti-racism: Like the last, dark, show times, the racist ideologies that seemed defeated by history are burning across the country.
Racial discrimination and xenophobia are being pursued by the neo-fascist right (Forza Nuova, Casapound) and also from the reactionary and institutional framework (the Northern League in the first place).
How are we doing the holders of the Young Communist League anti-fascist values \u200b\u200bof the Italian Constitution, born in the mountains of this country by the Partisan resistance, and struggle for equality, freedom, civil society and the right of everyone, without distinction of race, gender, religion, social and political against the politics of fear, of defamation and the continued suppression of dissent in this country.
• social space: We join the outcry raised by the collective AUTpn with the initiative of the Social Lab and support it with conviction.
Pordenone is a city that lacks youth gathering spaces accessible for free, or so, people living this city needs places and lay open and not contaminated by the culture of bars, we are tired of seeing our major markets, not as a place for socializing, but trade and profit now more comparable to an atrium a shopping center that places expression of youth.
• Crisis and Preload: We believe the last economic crisis due to a wrong economic system, focusing on profit and gain a few and echoed even more strongly the search for an alternative system that is based on the needs and the needs of all without exception and we intend to express our absolute solidarity and co-workers and families affected by the crisis.
We draw the attention on the problem of social insecurity, especially the plight of young people leaving schools and universities and support the campaign for the abolition of Law 30 (also called Biagi Law), to avoid the younger, and not only a real risk that the instability becomes a natural consequence and to ensure a stable and safe future for all.
Our prerogative will be the constant physical presence within the political and public life of the town, with a higher attention to the themes of youth and student, always trying to bring the communist ideal of a radical transformation of the state of things and struggling to solve various problems involving closely our reality province.
Gianluca Giannetto Dorothy Martin Renzo Vianello Giulio Shtylla Marta Bottos
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