Wednesday, November 25, 2009
500 Vinson Motor In Arctic Cat
Tuesday, November 10, 2009
Licence For Plato Dvd Ripper
The Young Communists and Communists express their solidarity and proximity to the organizers and all the people affected by the latest color of Rototom act of censorship and restriction of freedom of expression.
The president of the cultural organizer of the festival is being investigated for having "facilitated the use of cannabis" (the mere fact that "the cultural influences of reggae" lead his audience to smoke), so the organizers were forced to move elsewhere, the Festival that, for the past 11 years, resided in Osoppo in the province of Udine.
The grounds, added to the continuous and perpetual criminalization made by the council of Friuli's center-right, create a dangerous precedent. It invokes Article 79 of Law "-Fini Giovanardi" to investigate the Sunsplash (a law, among other things, that created the humus of criminalization and repression that killed Stefano Cucchi and filled the prisons of drug users) : reggae, its culture and its place of expression and dissemination would encourage the use of sostanzestupefacenti. So
Only Italy and Friuli lose a major international festival of music and culture, driven by thousands of young people with an extraordinary participation of the migrant community, but this way comes forward a model of "control" of cultures, of true and its repression of what is considered "abnormal." For this reason we support and endorse the event on Friday at Udine in defense of all the social spaces of cultural criticism edalternativa, in defense of freedom of expression and for a serious revival of the struggle against drug prohibition and censorship.
We hope, finally, that the Sunsplash back soon in Italy and Friuli. Unprocessed Bob Marley!
Thursday, October 8, 2009
Thursday, September 17, 2009
Free Satellate Frquancy
Economic Crisis: for banks and industrial aid for rain, students and workers for layoffs and sacrifices! The crisis, contrary to what he says Berlusconi, has just begun. From September tens of thousands of workers laid off over the hundreds of thousands are working women and men already out of work. Meanwhile, the precarious workers remain invisible and all those who, with a fixed-term contract, were the first at home. What future can we have without the certainty of a job and an income?
cuts to public education and research: cut ever in the history of the Republican talk of reform. From Moratti Gelmini (and before Berlinguer, Zecchino, De Mauro ...) schools and universities are under constant attack. The goal is education for the rich and research increasingly tied to the interests of individuals. We demand dignity for researchers, teachers and students. We want education to grow citizens and not subjects of the market.
Democratic Crisis: gag a free press, subjugate the Parliament, attacked the unions and the role of democratic organizations, enact new laws "racist." There is a creeping fascism which our conscience must rebel. Here and now. We fight for democracy from below, for freedom of movement and speech, against the repression, together with the migrant population.
Our struggles should unite, because the goal is the same. Defeat the government politically and culturally Berlusconi, Confindustria, the crisis, cuts to education, racism State.
We want to return control of our own destiny, free to dream a different future.
E 'Come out to see the stars.
Saturday, September 12, 2009
How Long Do Bad Teething Symptoms Last
Godega .. After the success of the cartoon in early summer (29-31 May 2009) in the name of Zagor, Lilith and the World Craveri ( ), which was attended by many guest authors of Treviso, here are two new appointments rich with well-established comics, entertainment and culture, which constitute a source of pride for the neighboring provinces of Treviso and Pordenone.
From 18 to 20 September 2009: A great event for all fans of comics, for those who want to know more, for the curious, and for those who want to pass dellegiornate of fun and culture, Fiume Veneto! (PN) -
26 and September 27, 2009 will be held in Treviso, the festival of comics, Comics on TV - Treviso Comic Book Festival. with the exhibition market in the Chamber of Commerce, accompanied by exhibitions of original artworks, cosplay, conferences, parties and events with large national and international guests. Comics on TV is organized under the auspices of the Municipality and the Province of Treviso and the Chamber of Commerce - wishes and full support by Association Banda Stragulp!
Thursday, September 10, 2009
Anatomical Diagram Of Ovary
First, it should be clear that nuclear power is much more expensive investment on other energy sources. The nuclear fuel reserves are not unlimited.
addition, in calculating the costs do not include the cost of dismantling and storage of radioactive materials found in nuclear power plants once abandoned. To date, they are still on our territory disused nuclear power plants For over twenty years, which has not yet been able to dismantle and store safely. Another problem
, Italy, it seems odd that we need to remember, is a highly seismic area, and then not at all suited to this type of equipment. Imagine a shock as the recent one in Abruzzo that could do damage in a nuclear plant.
Another shameful thing, as the delegation provides for the possibility of declaring the site areas of national strategic interest, subject to special forms of supervision and protection, which will, in the name and on behalf of well-defined interests, militarization and whole territories we will try to put an end to repression in legal and democratic protests.
Just as in 1987 put an end to nuclear unfortunate experience with a large popular mobilization and mass, even today, need to rebuild a movement of this scale speak out "no thanks" and go on the offensive by proposing a new energy model, which is based on renewable clean energy, from which new possibilities can arise occasionally and that is also a new model of society ..
Friday, September 4, 2009
Shark Sewing Machine Model 384
Dorothy Martin, Gianluca Giannetto
Being communists in the North East has never been easy. First and bigoted white earth with the Christian Democrats, and now green with the xenophobic Northern League. And it is especially difficult to Pordenone, a city where the Northern League is 27% and the PRC does not even 2%.
Our path is then started in a city historically right, where the youth movement has always existed and always working with flashes antagonist and not constructive, as in the case of the anti-Moratti a few years ago.
In a similar way to the last group, in November 2008, came the collective-PN AUT student, always in position antagonist (no-Gelmini), but with the idea of \u200b\u200bnot just this and to build a little more against passivity and indifference that afflict the youth. Although still enjoying the last thrust of the national movement against the reform Gelmini, we tried to build in the first instance of a pluralistic non-homogeneous group, with only one guideline: anti-fascism. Following this, the first demonstrations were held (the first ever, one built in solidarity with the Palestinian people during the conflict in the Gaza Strip), then made some for the various school inefficiency of the Province, and the last in chronological order "Social Labs", "social laboratory", the virtual re-appropriation of public social spaces that are absolutely non-existent in our community.
This self-training has led to the conviction of the Communist Party of the team that was our duty to reclaim the organization of / in the Young Communists / and as a tool best suited to our project control and claim political than on social spaces, as allows a more profitable relationship with the institutions, the general nature of the claims, because it allows you to roam on topics that a group of high school students have difficulty coping. We think that the role of Gc in our city, and also to revive the communist thought and practice among young people in Pordenone, because after years of absolutely poor and inadequate management of the organization, the name of the young Communists in the city was unknown, even for those who showed interest in the project, leaving the boys or in the right hand, or without any alternative vision, progressive and communist. In addition, our entry into the James allows us to participate in both the revival of the Communist Party of the PRC, especially after a left turn at the Congress of Chianciano sanctioned, is that of James after years of devastating national youth organization management.
Our prerogative will be the constant physical presence within the political and public life of the town, with greater attention to issues youth and student , always trying to bring the communist ideal of radical transformation of the state of things and struggling to solve various problems involving closely our reality provincial e.
Thursday, September 3, 2009
Female Sitting Trample Stomach
... Honduras ... and speaks Italian!
Our community in Honduras just over the 500 souls but is well placed in the elite economic policy of the country. It is this same elite that has decided to discard, with the help of judges, leaders of the Church and of course the army, the legitimate President Manuel Zelaya, elected in 2005 in the ranks of the Liberal Party.
Forced to leave the country by the military and took refuge in Nicaragua, thanks to the solidarity of the Sandinista president Daniel Ortega, Mel (short which is identified with Zelaya) is trying to return to his country, thanks to the great popular movement driven by social movements in Honduras , especially the farmers of the region of Olancho, the home of the legitimate president.
abandoned the diplomatic route, with the threat of death Micheletti that his predecessor, in the small Central American one is about the return of Zelaya, who has the support of the international community and countries of Mercosur, Venezuelan president Like the first Chavez supporter.
Meanwhile, in the expense of Mel supporters, victims of torture, killings and disappearances as happened in countries ruled by military juntas of Plan Condor in the seventies and eighties in Central and South America. Among the disappearances there is also the leader of the famous Via Campesina peasant movement struggling against neoliberalism, Rafael Alegria, founder and principal exponent of the Social Forum of Porto Alegre and staunch supporter of Zelaya.
The fear of the return of the Dirty War in Latin America is also based in Honduras by the arrival of a true "black international" of killers, torturers and kidnappers who have bloodied the seventies in countries such as Argentina and Chile, all local agents of the CIA and trained in the famous School of the Americas in the United States. Among them is excluded Alejandro Pena, Venezuela's neo-Nazi and anti-Semitic, directly involved in the massacre of Bagua in Peru, where a few months ago were exterminated the indigenous Peruvians who were protesting against the government of Alan Garcia.
What Are Floor Seats Like In Rose Garden
The walkway of the powerful media of the Earth together their first ladies is over. The result is a stalemate decorated with empty formulas ("people first") and vague commitments, but no agreement in favor of the weak. The eight leaders have left unchanged the global capitalist system that in its most ruthless liberalism, is responsible for the economic crisis. This capitalist globalization has produced more poverty to the people and the underprivileged classes and more wealth for the powerful, to the lobby, to the speculators. These are the outcomes of the summit failed:
The summit ended without any binding agreement on climate. The eight major climatic problems have only postponed to future generations, in 2050, without adopting strict medium-term objectives, without any investment in developing countries, blaming China and India
In fact, the G8 (with the U.S. in the first place) are responsible for producing nearly half of CO 2 the Earth's atmosphere and pollutant emissions of BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) are produced for the most part always by Western multinationals.
the G5 (China, Brazil, India, Mexico, South Africa) proposed a 40% reduction in greenhouse gases by 2020, but the G8, under pressure from lobbyists, has scuppered any deal. Not only that, but the same day that the summit will be discussing the climate, the Italian Parliament voted to return to nuclear power against the popular will of the referendum of 1987.
The Africa, a continent rich in human resources and environmental, has been ravaged for decades by the "civilized" Western world, in the name of a pseudo-international law, continues to demand the return of economic debt accumulated by local despotic and corrupt regimes, colluded with the Western superpower, as a result of incessant purchases of military weapons, the main producers and exporters worldwide are, not surprisingly, these western states.
Rich countries have allocated only a meager fund to clean up their dirty conscience, if nothing failed to meet previous commitments (Italy first), allocating one-fifth of the 15 billion dollars pledged at the meeting of the FAO 2008 (while at the same time they gave 96 billion to corporate agriculture). They have not touched the expensive patent medicines against AIDS, malaria and tuberculosis that kill millions of Africans every year and have not yet said water is a inalienable collective nature is not subject to the business market.
Berlusconi's government, in line with the strategy of tension of the past, has sought to criminalize the movement by deploying police forces with the intention of peaceful demonstration brutally suppress all dissent. The arrest of 21 members who participated in the Summit of the Wave of the University in Turin and the detention of 36 students at the University Roma 3 shows an unprecedented police violence against young people under 25 years old, riding roughshod over the most basic democratic rights . The goal is stifle a potential global resistance to the system and exclude the masses from active participation in their future.
The best campaigns do not promote organizing events rhetoric and demagoguery, but building from the bottom paths of struggle, processing, reflection, and planning policy, in which the masses can to have a real role of leadership, active and conscious, and not to mere spectators and passive consumers.
Tuesday, August 4, 2009
Nauticle Stars Colring Pages
valorescuola: the blog 's Institute IPSIA "LINO ZANUSSI" in Pordenone: For a better school
An example of interventions to prevent early school leaving? IPS "Zanussi" there is a door for years of listening to which they applied, and many students with whom they have often found answers to their questions o. at least, understand what they really needed, how to ask, who to ask. The school can not replace the family but can collaborate with parents TO IDENTIFY THE TRUE NATURE OF THIS 'that causes discomfort, just so you can find solutions to problems, headed in the right direction.
Laws, as an example of implementation of this activity, the flyer and resocanto administrative attention of a school year (2007/2008)
This is the text of the leaflet of "HELP DESK "
Are you a student looking for an assistant and IPS? HELP THE DOOR is at your service!
You need someone to listen to you? You have little desire to study and do not know why? So you are planning to change course because you are not convinced of choice? In the classroom, not everything is OK? You do not know what to do after the qualification or diploma? If you have these or other issues, come to us, you will find Prof. Alessandra Zeni will give you a first listen . If you wish, you can talk with Dr. Laura Priviero, the COR psychologist, working with our school.
The meetings were held with students in the time period from mid-October 2007 to mid-May 2008 and the reception service was held by Professor Alessandra Zeni, contact the Help Desk, who then set appointments for specific advice by Dr. Antonio Santin, Pordenone COR.
The action took place at the Help desk:
signal received from the coordinator class, or a teacher who has observed the same:
Attitudes of disturbance or isolation or difficulties in the individual disciplines
At the request of parents worried about school failure of his son work on
In the form of whole classes, at the initiative of a teacher who pointed out the need of a specific aid
CHI benefited from the HELP DESK?
What issues are brought to light;
· little desire to study
· Poor interest in the school in general, chose not to address
• trouble of relationship with their parents in school management problem
· Lack of a good way to work in general: the difficulties in management of the daily diary ... domino effect:
· Disorganization time
· None tasks ...
• trouble in understanding the specific vocabulary, especially in technical disciplines:
· Even the seemingly simple words are unknown to the students
· Even the basic concepts that we take for granted are rather unknown or understood in a superficial and / or mnemonic
CONCLUSION The results thus prepared, emerged from the collaboration of contact with the psychologist of the COR, were satisfactory and suggest that an increased use of this service can put a stop to the dispersion and reduce problem behaviors of students.
Here are potential solutions to common problems. We invite all teachers to collaborate in the search for effective strategies to curb school failures.
1 - ISSUE: Difficulties in managing relationships with adults in the school
solution strategies
· status with the teachers: to be rebuked with expressions like: "Go to work the land!" or "If you do not like you're studying at home!" sentences are perceived by students as a lack of a relationship of mutual respect between them and teachers.
· behavior of all adults in the school itself as equilibrium models:
Do not raise your voice or even indispensable, or
Using language appropriate to the role or not
provide negative examples: smoking, cell phone, or lack of punctuality
Be willing to listen, when the request is targeted and made Be polite
2 - PROBLEM: Boredom: the monotony of the lecture
solution strategies
resistance · The students have to ask to explain the topic again not included because they fear being judged badly teacher and / or companions, or that teachers are not available to "explain good" or "give detailed suggestions for the correction of errors "(readings psychologist)
· proposes strategies, such as :
with silence when you ask students if they understood everything, do not settle, and propose a premium to those who tell you what did not understand (which identifies the student did not understand what proves to have heard the lesson and should be enhanced)
recontacted by the School under relatively quiet, and after a short time, they played with blow guns, airplanes, SMS, to make up for to boredom and be considered
· Cause possible: feel like a downgrade in the inclusion of a school widely regarded Series B
· Solution: You must create a new identity, IPS, as a school complete and successful insertion into the labor
· The content proposed are seen as distant from daily life and their future Business
· Refresh whenever possible and provide simple examples and close to their imaginary
. The repeat a : students from other schools or repeating internal feel frustrated and disaffected
• If the frequency IPS living as a kind of social downgrading, you need the strategies described
Too many distractions · :
or students take extra-curricular activities (sports or not) by giving them more importance than the
school or the students are fascinated by the play-station, computer, internet, phone, etc.., so much gentler than the rhythms of life
· to understand the priorities: Examples
or targeted organization of time
or Assign a scalar value in the various activities that take place both at school and at home:
· With several releases frequent or more engaging teaching strategies (from information on guided tours),
proposals as a reward in exchange for appropriate behavior, functional learning
Pordenone, June 19, 2008 Prof. Dr. Antonio Santin Alessandra Zeni
Saturday, July 25, 2009
Celiac Tax Deductions
part of the centenary of St. James Fair, tomorrow July 26 in Maniago (PN), show-market bubble in the Piazza Grande during the day along with many other events, to learn More
Also tomorrow at 21.30 at Rua Feletto (TV) free admission to a concert not to be missed with Frank Morocco, one of the most popular accordionists in the world, a veteran who has collaborated with Pink Floyd and Madonna, just to mention two names. Happy weekend everyone!
Monday, May 11, 2009
Dreaming With Pitbulls
prorpio A real boom in membership this year is being recorded .. Godega comics, many more exhibitors than last year, have confirmed their participation in this second edition, which is revealing more and more rich.
Among the publishers present remember the
Very many authors present a Godega this year, including confirmations and news here's a list, but not yet complete and open to new surprises: Ferri Gallienus, Moreno Burattini, Mauro Laurenti, Sedioli Gianni, Marco Verni, Luca Enoch, Luca Salvagno, Benjamin Del Vecchio, Enzo Troiano, Casty, Pastrovicchio Lorenzo, Matteo Corazza, Andrea Menegon, Federico Cecchin, Andrea Longhi, Liri Trevisanello, Dario Perucca, Vincenzo Jannuzzi, Costel, Giuliano Piccininno, Sarah Pavan, Giulio De Vita Fabrizio De Fabritiis addition to collective made up of the many associations in which we will return to a future update.
The organizers are always open to explore new collaborations and contacts, also in view of the future ....Fumettevolmente ....
Saturday, May 2, 2009
Poems About Mothers In Russian
We're back! After a period of silence due mostly to the warm phase of the organization of the second edition of Godega .. comic ... we start to update the blog step by step with the news and the confirmations of this second edition which is becoming richer, while please note that in a few days the site will be updated with the final program.
reaffirmed the support of associations Anafi, Fame Comics, Comixcomunituy, Comics on TV for the comics industry and Wall Shields for Area Games. Renewed cooperation with the authoritative magazine of comics Fumo di China.
We are also proud to confirm the participation of new groups such Veneziacomix, Society of Comics in Asti and Vastagamma , each of which will speak with some of their authors.
It reproduces the cover of the book "24 Hour Comics Day" (Dreossi Publisher) presentation on Friday, May 29, edited by the Vastagamma of Pordenone.
Thursday, March 5, 2009
Buy Discounted Fairtex Or Twins Gloves
here are the first official news of Godega Comics ... A second edition, to be held on 29-30-31 May 2009 , like last year at the Trade Fair area of \u200b\u200bGodega SU (TV). The program is not yet final, it will be within a month or so, but already provides important confirmations. Meanwhile you can see, the poster's preliminary event (even without the logos and signs of the event), whose design was created by the excellent Roman author Mauro Laurenti, Zagoria Doc (click image to see it clearer !)
On May 29, is scheduled to open / presentation of the event and the opening of the exhibitions, this year dedicated to the world of Sebastian and Zagor Craveri during the afternoon / evening hours to be determined;
while Saturday 30 and Sunday, May 31, the wait is scheduled exhibition market, which last year has left everyone satisfied - open to the public Saturday at 14 -19, 9-19 Sundays.
Info: -
cell. 3292740329 - 3398084811-3385294142
Here in a nutshell, the preliminary program:
for Sunday May 31 is planned to ZAGOR-DAY ;
to celebrate the now famous character Bonelli
historical hero of several generations, have confirmed three important guests:
Ferri Gallienus, Moreno Burattini, Mauro Laurenti and is not excluded
the participation of the same Sergio Bonelli.
addition, there is the official presentation of the monograph on the master Ferri
(currently in preparation for Coniglio Editore).
The presentation will be attended by the two authors of the book Moreno Burattini
and Graziano Romani . The latter will compete in an unplugged performance of
Darkwood, the individual who brought forward the release of the album dedicated to Zagora, which at
currently has a working title KING OF ZAGOR DARKWOOD .
There will of course the book's protagonist, Master Ferri Gallienus and
another great designer Zagor Mauro Laurenti.
• The meeting with the author Luca Enoch one of the leading exponents of
Italian comics author and a jewel in the crown of the Publishing House
Bonelli, who will present his new character LILITH.
• Tribute to WORLD OF SEBASTIAN Cravero, for the tribute
S. Craven, will participate M. Giubbolini , an avid collector and friend of the master
Craven, owner of original material and Luca
Salvagno scholar as well as the author famous Italian author to
across the board.
For Craverisarà also a tribute to that show
comes directly from the museum of the Italian comic Lucca.
Notwithstanding the many impromptu spaces for new books, local authors
and many other important guests, who will report soon on our
pages , thanks to the planned participation of various publishing houses more than
last year.
Continue to follow the latest news from our blog, waiting to renew the site, and do not forget to us to join the event as exhibitors, authors, association or publisher, or for more information.