Thursday, March 5, 2009

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Godega .. ILLUSTRATED EDITION 2 29-30-31 May 2009

here are the first official news of Godega Comics ... A second edition, to be held on 29-30-31 May 2009 , like last year at the Trade Fair area of \u200b\u200bGodega SU (TV). The program is not yet final, it will be within a month or so, but already provides important confirmations. Meanwhile you can see, the poster's preliminary event (even without the logos and signs of the event), whose design was created by the excellent Roman author Mauro Laurenti, Zagoria Doc (click image to see it clearer !)

On May 29, is scheduled to open / presentation of the event and the opening of the exhibitions, this year dedicated to the world of Sebastian and Zagor Craveri during the afternoon / evening hours to be determined;

while Saturday 30 and Sunday, May 31, the wait is scheduled exhibition market, which last year has left everyone satisfied - open to the public Saturday at 14 -19, 9-19 Sundays.
Info: -

cell. 3292740329 - 3398084811-3385294142

Here in a nutshell, the preliminary program:

for Sunday May 31 is planned to ZAGOR-DAY ;

to celebrate the now famous character Bonelli
historical hero of several generations, have confirmed three important guests:
Ferri Gallienus, Moreno Burattini, Mauro Laurenti
and is not excluded
the participation of the same Sergio Bonelli.

addition, there is the official presentation of the monograph on the master Ferri

(currently in preparation for Coniglio Editore).
The presentation will be attended by the two authors of the book Moreno Burattini

and Graziano Romani . The latter will compete in an unplugged performance of

Darkwood, the individual who brought forward the release of the album dedicated to Zagora, which at

currently has a working title KING OF ZAGOR DARKWOOD .
There will of course the book's protagonist, Master Ferri Gallienus and

another great designer Zagor Mauro Laurenti.
• The meeting with the author Luca Enoch one of the leading exponents of

Italian comics author and a jewel in the crown of the Publishing House

Bonelli, who will present his new character LILITH.
• Tribute to WORLD OF SEBASTIAN Cravero, for the tribute

S. Craven, will participate M. Giubbolini , an avid collector and friend of the master

Craven, owner of original material and Luca

Salvagno scholar as well as the author famous Italian author to

across the board.

For Craverisarà also a tribute to that show

comes directly from the museum of the Italian comic Lucca.

Notwithstanding the many impromptu spaces for new books, local authors

and many other important guests, who will report soon on our

pages , thanks to the planned participation of various publishing houses more than

last year.

Continue to follow the latest news from our blog, waiting to renew the site, and do not forget to us to join the event as exhibitors, authors, association or publisher, or for more information.